Not all countries have an embassy or consular representation in London. The Visa World website states where each individual country is represented.
Go to any individual country page to see information which includes:
- Where the country is geographically located;
- The name of the capital city;
- The time difference, ahead or behind, the U.K;
- The country’s nearest consular representation;
Obviously, dealing with the visa section of an embassy or consulate in a foreign country has the added difficulties of:
a) communicating in a foreign language with officials;
b) not misunderstanding the instructions and requirements;
c) completing foreign language forms;
d) answering questions in a foreign language;
e) payment in a foreign currency;
and misunderstandings can and do easily occur.
Visa World therefore strongly recommend using the services of an agent who is familiar with the language as well as the requirements for a visa application.
We have associated companies in Paris, Brussels, Bonn, etc. and several cities in the United States which enable us to process applications for any country which does not have diplomatic or consular representation in London or the United Kingdom. Likewise, these associated companies use our services for countries that do not have consular representation in their country.